微信小程序 fire_如何在Fire TV和Fire TV Stick上侧面加载应用程序
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微信小程序 fire

微信小程序 fire

Amazon’s Fire TV and Fire TV stick technically runs Android…but you wouldn’t know it from looking. Amazon has a wall of content for its set-top box, and doesn’t want Google (with its own competing platform) to crash the party. But even though the Fire TV only has official access to Amazon’s Appstore, you can install other apps too.

亚马逊的Fire TV和Fire TV Stick在技术上运行Android……但从外观上您不会知道。 亚马逊的机顶盒内容丰富,不希望谷歌(拥有自己的竞争平台)崩溃。 但是,即使Fire TV仅具有对Amazon Appstore的正式访问权限,您也可以安装其他应用程序。

Most Android apps are made for phones, and lack the necessary API calls and design to work with a TV remote interface. There are a few exceptions, most of which are already available for either Android TV or Fire TV. Simple games, like 2048, tend to be playable on the TV as well. Don’t be surprised if you see visual bugs or crashes from apps that don’t officially support the Fire TV platform, though.

大多数Android应用都是为手机设计的,缺乏必要的API调用和设计,无法与电视远程接口配合使用。 有一些例外,其中大多数已经可用于Android TV或Fire TV。 像2048之类的简单游戏也往往可以在电视上玩。 但是,如果您看到官方不支持Fire TV平台的应用出现视觉错误或崩溃,请不要感到惊讶。

第一:在设置中启用第三方应用 (First: Enable Third-Party Apps in Settings)

In order to install apps from outside Amazon’s Appstore—a process known as “sideloading”—you’ll need to enable a setting first. Go to the Fire TV home page, then navigate all the way to the Settings tab on the far right. Highlight “Device,” then “Developer Options.”

为了从Amazon Appstore外部安装应用程序(称为“侧载”的过程),您需要首先启用设置。 转到Fire TV主页,然后一直导航到最右边的“设置”标签。 突出显示“设备”,然后突出显示“开发人员选项”。

Highlight “Apps from Unknown Sources,” then press the center button. Select “Turn on” on the warning screen. That’s it—you’re ready to install apps from outside the Amazon Appstore.

突出显示“来自未知来源的应用程序”,然后按中心按钮。 在警告屏幕上选择“打开”。 就是这样,您已经准备好从Amazon Appstore外部安装应用程序。

Now you’ll just have to find the apps you want, in the form of APK installers. You have a few options for doing so: you can load them from your Android phone, browse the web from your Fire TV, or load them from a cloud storage service like .

现在,您只需以APK安装程序的形式找到所需的应用程序。 您有几种选择:可以从Android手机中加载它们,从Fire TV中浏览网页,或从类的云存储服务中加载它们。

选项一:从Android手机加载应用 (Option One: Load Apps From Your Android Phone)

The fastest and simplest way to get an app over to your Fire TV, without having to use third-party apps or any tedious TV remote typing, is to use an Android phone (if you have one). The allows you to transfer any app that’s already installed on your phone over to the set-top box. So download the app, then make sure that your phone is on the same Wi-Fi network as your Fire TV device. You’ll also need to make sure that “ADB Debugging” is enabled in the Settings > Device > Developer Options screen on the Fire TV.

将应用程序转到Fire TV上而不必使用第三方应用程序或任何繁琐的TV远程键入的最快,最简单的方法是使用Android手机(如果有的话)。 的可让您将手机上已安装的所有应用程序转移到机顶盒。 因此,请下载该应用程序,然后确保您的手机与Fire TV设备位于同一Wi-Fi网络上。 您还需要确保在Fire TV的“设置”>“设备”>“开发人员选项”屏幕中启用“ ADB调试”。

Open the app on your phone, then tap the three-dot button in the upper-right corner and select “Setup.” In this screen, tap “Network.” Wait for the scan to complete, and you’ll see all the devices connected to your local network, identified by their IP address and device name.

打开手机上的应用程序,然后点击右上角的三点按钮并选择“设置”。 在此屏幕中,点击“网络”。 等待扫描完成,您将看到连接到本地网络的所有设备,由它们的IP地址和设备名称标识。

In my case, the device labelled “amazon-c630d5b29” is obviously my Fire TV. If you can’t tell which one is the right device, use the Fire TV remote to navigate to Settings > Device > About > Network. The IP address is in the display on the right. Tap the correct device, then select “local apps” from the tabs at the top of the screen.

以我为例,标有“ amazon-c630d5b29”的设备显然是我的消防电视。 如果您无法确定哪一个是正确的设备,请使用Fire TV遥控器导航至“设置”>“设备”>“关于”>“网络”。 IP地址在右侧显示中。 点击正确的设备,然后从屏幕顶部的标签中选择“本地应用”。

From this list, you can tap any of the apps on your phone, then “Install,” and it will be sent over the network to your Fire TV. You don’t even need to do anything on the TV, it will install itself in the background and appear on your home screen automatically.

从此列表中,您可以点击手机上的任何应用程序,然后点击“安装”,它将通过网络发送到您的Fire TV。 您甚至不需要在电视上做任何事情,它会自动安装在后台并自动显示在主屏幕上。

选项二:在Fire TV上从Web下载应用程序 (Option Two: Download Apps From the Web on Your Fire TV)

If you don’t have an Android phone, you can download apps manually to your Fire TV from thwe b. Go back through the Settings menu until you get to the Fire TV home page. Then, using either the Search tool on the far left or the Alexa voice search button on your remote, search for “Downloader.” Highlight the result below to get to the app page on the Amazon Appstore.

如果您没有Android手机,则可以通过以下方式将应用程序手动下载到Fire TV。 返回“设置”菜单,直到进入Fire TV主页。 然后,使用最左侧的“搜索”工具或遥控器上的Alexa语音搜索按钮,搜索“下载器”。 突出显示下面的结果以转到Amazon Appstore上的应用页面。

This little app exists for one reason: to download other apps. It’s a barebones browser that will let you navigate to any site on the web and download APK files, then automatically open the installer window. Navigation is either direct to a download address from the home page, or with the browser on the side menu. You can use the remote to move the cursor and the on-screen keyboard to type web URLs or search terms.

这个小应用程序存在的原因是:下载其他应用程序。 这是一个准系统浏览器,可让您导航到网络上的任何站点并下载APK文件,然后自动打开安装程序窗口。 导航可以直接从主页导航到下载地址,也可以使用侧面菜单上的浏览器导航。 您可以使用遥控器移动光标,也可以使用屏幕键盘输入Web URL或搜索词。

You can find Android APKs anywhere, but be wary of sites you don’t know, We recommend using  . It’s a highly trustworthy source that only accepts verified apps that have been scanned for modifications, and only hosts freely-available stuff, so there’s no piracy involved. (Full Disclosure: I used to work for the owner of APK Mirror.)

您可以在任何地方找到Android APK,但请注意您不知道的网站,我们建议您使用 。 这是一个高度值得信赖的来源,它仅接受经过扫描的经过修改的经过验证的应用,并且仅托管可免费使用的内容,因此不涉及盗版。 (完全披露:我曾经为APK Mirror的所有者工作。)

Once you’ve selected a file, the Downloader app will automatically begin the installation process. Highlight and select “Install” to start, then “Done” to finish. Your app will appear on the home page and under “Apps.”

选择文件后,Downloader应用程序将自动开始安装过程。 突出显示并选择“安装”以开始,然后选择“完成”以完成。 您的应用程序将显示在主页上的“应用程序”下。

选项三:在您的计算机上下载并从云存储中加载 (Option Three: Download on Your Computer, and Load from Cloud Storage)

However, what if you’ve already got the APK files you want to install? (Or what if you’d rather browse from your computer than your Fire TV?) In that case, you can download the APK files on your PC, then  throw them on your favorite cloud storage client, like , , or . Then switch back to your Fire TV unit and use the Search menu or the Alexa voice button to search for “ES File Explorer.”

但是,如果您已经有了要安装的APK文件,该怎么办? (或者,如果您更希望从计算机上浏览而不是从Fire TV上浏览该怎么办?)在这种情况下,您可以将APK文件下载到PC上,然后将其放在您喜欢的云存储客户端上,例如 , 或 。 然后切换回Fire TV设备,并使用“搜索”菜单或Alexa语音按钮搜索“ ES File Explorer”。

Highlight ES File Explorer in the results window, click it, and then download the app. When it’s open, use the directional buttons to navigate to the left-most column, then click on “Network.” Highlight “Cloud” and click it.

在结果窗口中突出显示ES File Explorer,单击它,然后下载该应用程序。 打开后,使用方向按钮导航到最左侧的列,然后单击“网络”。 突出显示“云”,然后单击它。

From here you can select your preferred cloud storage service, log in, and connect to your files.


Highlight the APK files in the folder you created above, click them, and follow the on-screen prompts to download and install them. Easy.

突出显示您在上面创建的文件夹中的APK文件,单击它们,然后按照屏幕上的提示下载并安装它们。 简单。

There are other ways to load your APKs onto a Fire TV device, but they’re a bit more involved. You can use Android’s Debug Bridge (ADB) either via a direct USB connection or Wi-Fi, or you can load up APKs on a flash drive and use a file explorer to open them directly (if you have one of the older versions of the hardware with a standard USB port). ES File Explorer even has local server and FTP connections available. But these three options should be enough to get you started, so you can get whatever apps you want right on your TV.

还有其他方法可以将APK加载到Fire TV设备上,但涉及更多。 您可以通过直接USB连接或Wi-Fi使用Android的调试桥(ADB),也可以将APK加载到闪存驱动器上,然后使用文件资源管理器直接打开它们(如果您使用的是旧版本的APK)具有标准USB端口的硬件)。 ES File Explorer甚至具有本地服务器和FTP连接。 但是,这三个选项足以让您入门,因此您可以在电视上直接获取所需的任何应用程序。


微信小程序 fire


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